Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Recusant List

I've been gone for an inordinate amount of time. Mostly to be honest, has been due to the stupid fact that Blogger hasn't worked well and every time I go to post it deletes it.

I'm still Catholic, no real religious changes. Been doing ALOT of Newman Club stuff, and serving at the altar for every other sunday at Campus Mass (which has been terrifying, I definately know I'm not called to the priesthood, I'm too terrified of doing anything to disturb the sacredness of the Mass).

For the beatification of Cardinal Newman I got to give a short speech at Mass about him, and ever since then I've wanted to assemble a Recusant Calendar of sorts. Once I list each person I want to remember, I can come up with their 'feast day' (some have one, some don't).

Here is my tentative list so far of my heroes of the Recusancy.

St. Thomas More - July 6
St. John Fisher - July 6
St. Edmund Campion - December 1 (as well Oct. 25, one of the Forty Martyrs)
40 Martyrs of England and Wales - October 25
Mary Tudor/ Mary I - November 17
St. Margaret Clitherow - March 26 (as well as Oct. 25)
Cardinal Reginald Pole - November 17
Edmund Bonner - September 5
Mary Queen of Scots - February 7
James II - September 16
Gerard Manley Hopkins - June 8
Cardinal Newman - October 9 (conversion & Feast Day)
Cardinal Manning - January 14
Lord Acton - June 19
Francis Thompson - November 13
Robert Hugh Benson - October 19
G.K. Chesterton - June 14
Ronald Knox - August 24
Evelyn Waugh - April 10
Graham Greene - April 3
Malcolm Muggeridge - November 14
Lord Longford - August 3


  1. Welcome back, Andrew! You have been greatly missed, and it's very nice to know that you are doing so well. Your Recusants list is a very good one--there are so many Recusant heroes, after all. I am fond of more than I can count, including Saint Philip Howard and his dear wife Anne. I hope that you'll have a chance to post again soon. May God bless you and Our Lady protect you.

  2. Often in the Magnificat devotional the saint (or blessed) at the end of the day's readings is one of the English martyrs/Recusants. Might be worth picking up month-old copies from someone and scouring them.
