Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prayer of King Henry VI

"Lord Jesus Christ, you have created me, redeemed me and destined me to that which now I am. You know what you will do with me: do with me then according to your will and your mercy. You alone are all-knowing and all-wise, beyond man's understanding. You, Lord, know what things are good for me, a poor sinner. Let it be done to me according to your pleasure, as seems good in the eyes of your majesty. Amen"

King Henry VI was known as a pious man, but one unfit for the stresses of ruling. He was allegedly killed in the Tower, while kneeling in prayer, and was informally viewed as a saint by the English people after his death. In fact, English Catholics used to put on his hat and invoke his intercession in cure of migraines.

...he also went insane for another while, and lost the kingdom, etc, etc, you can read about it all in Shakespeare...

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