I learned about how Toronto was called 'little Belfast' and how the Orange Order (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Order) had massive control of the politics of the city, and that every Mayor of Toronto was an Orangeman until the 1950s. This didn't go well with the huge Irish Catholic population, and the two had mini-wars.
I also learned out - totally by accident - about a man that reminded me of myself.

Sir Allan Napier MacNab, who was Prime Minister of Upper Canada in the 1850s (think Cardinal Newman, re-establishment of Catholic Hierarchy in England, and Anglo-Catholicism rising to popularity). Anyway, he was raised Anglican, but had a deathbed conversion to Roman Catholicism. His parish priest (Anglican) was so angry that he showed up in the dying man's room when the Catholic bishop of Hamilton had left the house, and claimed he had made MacNab reconvert to Anglicanism. People just couldn't believe he would go Roman.
When all the Church of England dignataries showed up for the funeral they were horrified to see that the Roman Catholic clergy were already there performing the ceremony. They say that as his family, the Bishop, and the priests walked one way together (mind you, a very small group), the Protestant politicians and clerics and the vast majority of the mourners went the other way, refusing to even attend a Catholic funeral.
One historian wrote: as his relatives fought over his possessions, the English and Roman churches fought over his body and soul.
Definately reminds me of me.
Sir Allan Napier MacNab, pray for me, another convert who has from time to time wavered from the efforts of Anglican clerics.
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